A downloadable 3D interchange format

Extensible Interchange Format for 3d Assets

This is an example file made from my free Warrior of the Squeak VR Avatar.

Watch the presentation video here:

The STF format is not ready for productive use and will change significantly in the future, breaking current files. I will keep this showcase updated accordingly.

I am in need of an open & extensible interchange format for 3d assets.

Unfortunately, such a format does not exist.

The single relevant format for VR & V-Tubing avatars is a `.unitypackage` that contains a scene with a setup for a specific application, usually VRChat only, somewhere in its hierarchy.

There is no interoperability for avatars. Using those avatars as an end-user is prohibitively difficult, as it requires the use of a Game-Engine like Unity.

STF should be able to easily host an extension for application agnostic & fully featured VR & V-Tubing avatars.

This Showcase

STF contains a proof-of-concept extension for avatars. Assets set up with it, can be converted to a rudimentary VRChat or VRM setup at the press of a button.

I hope this showcase can convince you of its potential.

Source Code

STF repository on Github


The .stf files are licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International.

The source code is licensed under MIT.


stf-unity_v0.3.1.unitypackage 791 kB
Warrior of the Squeak.stf 25 MB
Belt Addon.stf 6.7 MB

Install instructions

  1. Setup a Unity 2022.3 project with either the VRChat Creator Companion, or manually import Newtonsoft Json from UPM.
  2. Import the stf-unity_vX.X.X.unitypackage to add support for .stf files with VR avatar extensions.
  3. Import the 'Warrior of the Squeak.stf' file into your project and view its inspector.

Development log

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